UX Advocacy

UX for Good

As a UX practitioner, I have been given many opportunities for learning and growth which I regard as a responsibility to impart to others. Along with knowledge I also open myself up for distinct events where I can make myself available to those interested in working in this fascinating field of design and technology.


Working, Supporting, Organizing, and Leading UX Community Learning is a passion for me. I have worked tirelessly to promote good usability for the last two decades. I have traveled internationally to help put those who are interested in this field into the forefront, as I desire to help grow the next generation of great UX minds.

You may have seen me speaking or run into me at these events around the country and globe:

Puget Sound World Usability Day

Design Thinking Australia 2020

QA E-Commerce Forum New York

Working as a partner affiliate and sponsor from Big Design Latin America, I worked in Ecuador to help build Ecuador's first usability professionals group. The UXPA Ecuador group currently has more than 400 members and is the largest such UXPA group in Latin America. It holds technology-based and UX talks and workshops every month and works with dozens of local businesses and Universities.

I started Disney's first internal annual World Usability Event in November of 2015. Since then I have worked tirelessly to connect our work with the community at large. In January of 2017 the Seattle board for World Usability Day asked us to co-sponsor the Seattle WUD as a partner.


I have been serving, leading, and volunteering for various conferences, workshops, and other responsibilities since 2009. I have played a support role in nearly every conference or educational related area. I also have been a regular, ongoing presenter and workshop leader.

For Big Design, now in it's 18th year, I directed it’s re-branding for future growth and to convey the mission of learn, share and grow.

I also organized an international conference which highlighted well-known industry speakers and leaders in Design Thinking for Big Design Latin America, a supporting venture of Big Design - Overseeing and maintaining a team of volunteer workers and volunteer students.

